At UROLA SOLUTIONS, we have extensive experience in the design and manufacture of rotary machines for plastic containers manufacturing through blow moulding technology. These machines are characterised by the radial or tangential arrangement of the moulds on a rotating wheel, meaning that a single head is required to deliver all the plastic to the moulds, unlike with linear machines, where each mould needs its own head. This rotary system is certainly the future of high volume manufacture of ‘standard’ containers and bottles (from 50 ml. to 10 litres) due to the significant advantages it provides:
The SWT Series extrusion blow moulding machines from UROLA SOLUTIONS make it possible to reach 30,000 containers/hour production if the ‘Neck to Neck’ option is selected:
In the case of the M Series extrusion blow moulding machine, up to 11,000 containers/hour (optimal for containers up to 2 litres) can be manufactured, while the MSC Series of extrusion blow moulding machines can manufacture up to 1,600 containers/hour of up to 10 litres with a calibrated neck. On the M Series, this calibrated neck can also be achieved through an added machining process at the end of the line.
Rotary machines for high volume manufacture of plastic containers
A study to compare our rotary extrusion blow moulding machines with a competitor’s machine was recently carried out, and the results showed that our technology generates annual savings for the company that could reach up to 200,000 euros.
Thanks to the state-of-the-art software:
As a result, these containers are very uniform (in weight and final configuration) and consistent, with virtually no time spent on inspections. Wasted material is minimal.
Clearly, the advantages provided by rotary machines are very important when it comes to high production of standard containers. The question is: when could the choice of an inline machine be justified? Easy: When containers with special characteristics are necessary, i.e. very square shapes, very large or very small sizes, such as those used, for example, in cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, etc.). In all other cases, rotary machines are the best option.