We have recently received at Urola the Transformational Champion Award by the European advanced manufacturing association, ADMA.
This European Unions coommision’s initiative aims to promote and reward actions of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of advanced manufacturing and industry 4.0 throughout Europe.
Among several hundred companies, Urola has been awarded this award, thanks to our advances in everything related to servitization, where we have developped three tractor projects:
Urola Performance, a service to improve the productivity of our customers’ machines through a digital platform. Urola Teleservice, an innovative remote assistance service. And finally, Urola Design, a comprehensive design service for packaging, molds, processes, and industrialization that is giving very good results.
We are very happy with the work we have done and very grateful for our collaborators, without whom none of this would have been possible. At the same time, we want to thank ADMA for valuing our work and sacrifice.
As of 2018, the Basque government awarded us for our advances in Industry 4.0 and implementation of industry 4.0 technologies in products and processes, to the best technological SME. Now, with this new award, we are again motivated, to once again, continue giving our best and bring great value to all our customers.